Welcome to Glossop Probus Club

In Glossop there is a Club for retired or semi-retired people who meet once each month at 10:00am on a Wednesday at The Central Methodist Church, Glossop, to enjoy socialising for a couple of hours or so and normally listen to a speaker.

People from a variety of backgrounds, professions and businesses comprise the organisation. If you are interested click here

Twice each year there are special lunches to which partners are invited as a token of appreciation to them for their forbearance.

March 2024 - Past Chairman Martin Ford hands over to new Chairman Chris Sturmey

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  1. To help promote fellowship amongst Professional and Business people.
  2. To provide opportunities to meet and talk to members from a range of professional and business backgrounds.
  3. To help enhance the social aspects of retirement through a comprehensive range of activities that are designed to meet differing needs and tastes by having member’s partners to attend such activities as the Committee of Management shall from time to time determine.
  4. Provide a support network for members and their partners.